Private Society Members Communities

  • 4 members
Group Name:
Private Society Members Communities

If YOU Build it,They will come. Now is the Time for People to break away from this collapsing society and join like minded People to to Create a New Community and New Systems that are 'win' 'win' for everyone in these new communities,where everyone can bring their skill sets in support of a new Community that has little dependence on outside society.

Private Sector. Definition. Public sector organisations are owned, controlled and managed by the government or other state-run bodies. Private sector organisations are owned, controlled and managed by individuals, groups or business entities.

If YOU Build it,They will come. Now is the Time for People to break away from this collapsing society and join like minded People to to Create a New Community and New Systems that are 'win' 'win' for everyone in these new communities,where everyone can bring their skill sets in support of a new Community that has little dependence on outside society.

Private Sector. Definition. Public sector organisations are owned, controlled and managed by the government or other state-run bodies. Private sector organisations are owned, controlled and managed by individuals, groups or business entities.