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30% of registered Democrats BELIEVE the assassination attempt on Trump was staged?? There are no words for this kind of abject ignorance...and then the vomit of hate illustrated later in this video, WTF is wrong with these people???:

That's Lightin Lighting Up Our Sky 🤠 Ever Have Painful Cramping Legs out of nowhere, that you just can't seem to control? It may be Restless Leg Syndrome and here's how to treat it naturally and finally sleep at night! #rls #restlesslegs #restlesslegsyndrome #homeopathy

Listen to her she is a Tennessee native and dead on with her commentary. . . Get your shit together and be fucking ready. Your life and future depends on it and you need to be in shape and ready.

This is a week old, but deserves to be posted again. I like JP's work.


PATRIOTS! We have allowed the "stranger" into our high places...