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StopMediaBiasNow.com has been updated. Please stop by and send out the all new bulk emails. This only takes 5 min and it will help all conservative causes in this war.

In the last two weeks ( 08/05/23 to 08/18/23)

7 Sponsors and

92 Advertisers ran

589 Ads for 163 different products.

The MSM sold 15,840 seconds or approximately 30% of their air time.

If they sold their ads at an average of $60,000/15sec ad, the MSM brought in a whopping

$63,360,000 DOLLARS in revenues.

(Do you realize what this means? It means that Soros and the Deep State do not have to fund the MSM, WE ARE...)

If you purchased on of the 163 products from one of the 92 advertisers, your money went into FUNDING the MSM...

It is simple, stop purchasing products from companies that run ads on the MSM...

For a complete list of those companies: https://stopmediabiasnow.com/advertisers-lists/

But what is more important than boycotting these companies, it is telling them why you are boycotting them and giving them a path for correction.

To contact all 92 advertisers and 7 sponsors in less than 5 min of your time, send out these bulk emails.


If not you, who? If not now, When?

Take action Digital warriors...